Monday, September 12, 2011

Believe in you...who believes in himself

"Believe in you...who believes in himself"
-Kamina from Gurren Lagann

It's a stupid quote really. But hey I love anime and anime characters inspire me. In addition, I honestly haven't met anyone in real life that truly and deeply inspired me though I know those types of inspirational people do exist out there. For now, I'll take these anime characters and they can be my models. No not the cheesy and simplistic type of personas of anime characters but one of those characters who know how to push and move forward despite the circumstances (ie. Zoro! oh yes the green maribo).

Well anyways, tomorrow I have myself a shit ton of studying to do. I have a plan of studying that requires me 6 and a half hours of full-on studying. What I mean by "full-on" is that those 6 and a half hours does not count the breaks, and estimated best possible times on the studying for each thing I have. I cannot lag and I better try my best to keep up with this.

Actually, just right now, I reduced this time by 40 minutes taking out the 2 Reading Comprehensions that I was planning to do. I have one more day to do those so I can delay that.

To be honest, I have been slacking with the studying but it must be me burning out from all this studying. I also have this tendency to divert my full focus on to something else that really puts me off track.

Believe in you...who believes in himself. Do I believe in myself that I could do this? That I can do well on my OATs? That I really can push myself further than I already have? That I can stop myself from slacking again and getting of track? I am not sure to be honest. I have this doubt lingering. How does one get rid of this godforsaken doubt?

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